Korean J Leg Med Search


Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2001;25(2):26-30.
Published online October 31, 2001.
The Realities of Postmortem Investigation and Examination in Chungju, Eumseong Provinces.
Eui U Park
Department of Pathology, Konkuk University College of Medicine.
Ninety forensic (judicial) autopsies were performed in Chungju and Eomseong provinces during 3 years (1998-2000). On the other hand, postmortem external examinations for administrative purposes were done in only 2 bodies during the same period. In this paper the reasons for small proportion of the postmortem external examination for administrative purposes compared with that for judicial autopsies were discussed. The following results might offer us significant suggestions for improving the postmortem investigation and examination system in Korea. 1. Reconsideration on the importance of postmortem external examination. 2. Reestablishment of the definitions and a guiding principle in postmortem investigation system for judicial and administrative purposes. 3. Education on the necessity for augmentation of medicolegal autopsy rate among postmortem investigation cases for administrative purposes.
Key Words: Judicial autopsy, Postmortem investigation system, External examination, Administrative autopsy, Korea


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