Korean J Leg Med Search


Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2004;28(1):49-54.
Published online May 31, 2004.
Bi-allelic loci on Y chromosome in Korean.
Byoung Su Jang, Zhe Li, Chong Min Choung, Yoon Seong Lee, Jung Bin Lee, Soong Deok Lee
Department of Forensic Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. sdlee@snu.ac.kr
Recently studies about bi-allelic markers such as SNP, which is commonly found in about every 1.2 kb, seem to be increasing. Compared to STR marker, much have to be improved if it is to be used for individual identification. Nevertheless many researchers have interests in SNP and it 's scope is unpre-dictable. SNP may be promising as an auxiliary tool in individual identification, especially in Y chromo-somal study, in which the usefulness of conventional STR markers are restricted as the concept of haplo-type is applied. We report allelic distribution pattern in Korean for several previously known bi-allelic markers, that are SY81, M9, SRY1532, SRY2627, YAP. In three loci that are SY81, SRY1532, SRY2627, no polymorphism was noted. In M9, YAP loci, bi-allel-ic polymorphism was noted. In M9, 79.3% was G-type, and C-type was 20.7%. The YAP insertion was positive only in 6%. Remaining 94% was YAP(-). These pattern was compared with that of other popu-lation, and racial difference was evident. Several key points about SNP were discussed.
Key Words: bi-allelic, SNP, SY81, M9, SRY1532, SRY2627, YAP


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