Korean J Leg Med Search


Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2004;28(2):47-51.
Published online October 31, 2004.
Asphyxia Due to Oxygen Deficiency: The Report of Two Autopsy Cases.
Seok Hoon Jeon, Hyo Jeong Kang, Jang Hee Kim, Sang Yong Lee, Chan Seong Park, Jin Pyo Kim, Joong Seok Seo
1National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Korea. j52459567@dreamwiz.com
2College of Medicine, Konyang University, Korea.
Two autopsy cases of asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency are reported. The first case is that a 38-year-old man died in a storehouse. Many pears were stored in a storehouse and the its atmosphere was strictly controlled. The second case is that a 42-year-old man died in the boiler room of a fishing ship. Much amount of Freon gas escaped due to a defect of the refrigerator in the boiler room. The victim entered the boiler room because he repaired the refrigerator. But, the victim died when he entered the boiler room immediately. In this article, the autopsy findings and the contents of the investigation of scene of two cases are described.
Key Words: Asphyxia, Oxygen deficiency


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