Korean J Leg Med Search


Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 1999;23(2):107-110.
Published online October 31, 1999.
A Case Report of Gastric Dilatation.
Youn Shin Kim, Ho Lee, Yu Kyoung Jung, Dae Youl Kim, Il Hoon Kwon
National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Korea.
Gastric dilatation is a rare life-threatening condition and consists of massive distention of the stomach by gas and fluid. Its etiology is unclear but predisposing factors include recent surgery, diabetic gastroparesis, fundoplication and gastric outlet obstruction. As the distended stomach grows larger, it hangs down across the duodenum, producing a mechanical gastric outlet obstruction, venous obstruction of the mucosa, ischemic necrosis and perforation. The distended stomach pushes the diaphragm upward, causing collapse of the left lung, rotation of the heart, and obstruction of the inferior vena cava. Hypochloremia, hypokalemia, and alkalosis may result from fluid and electrolyte losses and may precipitate cardiac arrhythmias. If acute gastric dilatation is not treated promptly, cardiovascular and pulmonary compromise may compound an increasing intravascular volume deficit leading to hypotension, which may be a cause of death.
Key Words: Gastric dilatation, gastric outlet obstruction, electrolyte loss


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