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Gender-Dependent Characteristics of Bipolar Patients in the National Forensic Psychiatric Hospital.
Deyon Kim, Mi Kyung Lyu, Jeongin Yang, Sunbum Kim, Myoungjae Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(4):109-114.   Published online November 30, 2015
A Statistical Analysis of Legal Autopsies Performed in Korea in 2014.
Jung Sik Jang, Seon Jung Jang, Byung Ha Choi, Han Young Lee, Nak Eun Chung, Joong Seok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(4):99-108.   Published online November 30, 2015
Profile of Forensic Autopsy Practices in Small Towns and Cities in Rural Areas.
Sohyung Park, Byung Ha Choi, Hyejin Park, Hyoung Joong Kim, Young Shik Choi
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(3):55-66.   Published online August 31, 2015
A Detailed Analysis of Alcohol Pharmacokinetics in Healthy Korean Men.
Sung Yup Cho, Hye Kyung Han, Kwang Hee Shin, Hyungmi An, Kyung Sang Yu, Byoung Joon Song, Seong Ho Yoo
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(2):27-35.   Published online May 31, 2015
The Efficacy of Connexin 43 Expression in the Myocardium as an Early Ischemic Marker in Forensic Autopsy.
Jae Woo Ahn, Gi Yeong Huh
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(1):6-11.   Published online February 28, 2015
Drusini's and Takei's Methods for Age Estimation in Korean Adults.
Eun Gyo Jeong, Jun Young Heo, Soo Min Ok, Sung Hee Jeong, Yong Woo Ahn
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(1):1-5.   Published online February 28, 2015
A Qualitative Study of Psychological State of Suicide Victims through Suicide Notes.
Keunsoo Ham, Chuyeon Pyo, Jongpil Park, Jooyoung Na, Seong Ho Yoo, Ena Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(4):155-166.   Published online November 30, 2014
The Statistical Analysis on Legal Autopsy Performed in Korea during 2013 Year.
Seon Jung Jang, Jong Pil Park, Byung Ha Choi, Nak Eun Chung, Han Young Lee, Joong Seok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(4):145-154.   Published online November 30, 2014
The Discrepancy of the Cause and Manner of Death between Death Certificates and Autopsy Reports.
Hyeong Geon Kim, Jeong Woo Park, Whee Yeol Cho, Jun Hee Seo, Cheol Ho Choi, Joo Young Na
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(4):139-144.   Published online November 30, 2014
Remarkable Postmortem CT Findings in Forensic Autopsy.
Sookyoung Lee, Jong Pil Park, Hohyeon Gong, Sungjin Cho, Hyungnam Koo, Heon Lee, Kyungmoo Yang, Bongwoo Lee, Nakeun Chung, Hanyoung Lee, Youngshik Choi, Joongseok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(3):103-112.   Published online August 31, 2014
Analysis of Parricide and Filicide in Korea.
Sung Kook Jung, Jae Ran Lee, Jin Young Kim, Gi Joo Taq, Ik Joon Oh, Eui Cheol Myoung
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(2):66-72.   Published online May 31, 2014
Searching for Appropriate Statistical Parameters for Validation of Mitochondrial DNA Database.
Chong Min Choung, Ji Hyun Lee, Sohee Cho, Soong Deok Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(2):59-65.   Published online May 31, 2014
Sequence Generation and Genotyping of 15 Autosomal STR Markers Using Next Generation Sequencing.
Eun Hye Kim, Sang Eun Jung, Kyoung Jin Shin, Woo Ick Yang, In Seok Yang
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(2):48-58.   Published online May 31, 2014
Animal Experiment for the Analysis of Postmortem Inhalation Degree by Drowning Medium Containing Methylene Blue.
Jeong Won Hong, Cheol Ho Choi, Youn Shin Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(1):19-25.   Published online February 28, 2014
Evaluation of Pedophilia Patients of the National Forensic Hospital by Types of Offense according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Typologies of Child Molesters.
Jaeman Lim, Jaewoo Lee, Geumsook Shim, Jeongin Yang, Sunbum Kim, Daeyoun Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2014;38(1):13-18.   Published online February 28, 2014


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