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A Statistical Analysis on Forensic Autopsies Performed in Korea in 2015.
Ji Hye Park, Joo Young Na, Bong Woo Lee, Nak Eun Chung, Young Shik Choi
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(4):104-118.   Published online November 30, 2016
Usefulness of Dipstick Test for Vitreous Glucose in Autopsy Practice.
Kyunghong Lee, Hyung Nam Koo, Tae Gong Kim, Jeong Yeol Park, Kang Hyun Baek, Seung Gyu Choi, Cheol Ho Choi, Nahyun Aum, Nak Won Lee, Byung Ha Choi
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(4):99-103.   Published online November 30, 2016
A Historical Review of the Korean Journal of Legal Medicine: In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Founding Korean Society for Legal Medicine.
Joo Young Na, Hyeong Geon Kim, Hyung Seok Kim, Ho Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(4):93-98.   Published online November 30, 2016
Factors Affecting DNA Yields from Serum and Plasma Samples Used for Personal Identification Testing.
Ji Hyun Lee, Boram Kim, Sohee Cho, Hee Jin Seo, Soong Deok Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(3):78-82.   Published online August 31, 2016
Analysis of Death due to Poisoning in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do Areas.
Woo Young Choi, Hye Jeong Kim, Joo Young Na, Su Jin Lee, Young Jik Lee, Jong Tae Park, Hyung Seok Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(3):72-77.   Published online August 31, 2016
The Predictive Ratios of Intoxicated Deaths by Police's Death Scene Investigation and Doctor's Death Certificates in South Korea.
Kyung Moo Yang, Bong Woo Lee, Jeong Woo Park, Sookyung Lee, Woong Jae Yun, Sohyung Park, Min Je Lee, Han Young Lee, Young Shik Choi, Nak Eun Chung, Yu Hoon Kim, Seong Ho Yoo, Jang Han Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(3):65-71.   Published online August 31, 2016
A Comparative Study of Postmortem Bacterial Culture and Identification Methods.
Joo Young Na, Ji Hye Park, Suk Hoon Ham, Hyung Seok Kim, Jong Tae Park
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(2):55-60.   Published online May 31, 2016
Looking Back at Our 5-Year Experience of Paternity Testing: A Summary.
Moon Young Kim, Sohee Cho, Sung Hee Lyoo, Ji Hyun Lee, Hee Jin Seo, Woo Kyung Ryu, Yaewon Jeong, Soong Deok Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(2):48-54.   Published online May 31, 2016
Forensic Application of Age Estimation Using Signal Joint T-Cell Receptor Excision Circles in Human Lymphoid Tissues.
Sohee Cho, Hee Jin Seo, Ji Hyun Lee, Hongil Ha, Soong Deok Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(2):44-47.   Published online May 31, 2016
Analysis of Cisternal Puncture Results during a Postmortem Examination.
Joo Young Na, Ji Hye Park, Yeon Ho Oh, Se Min Oh, Hyung Seok Kim, Jong Tae Park
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(2):39-43.   Published online May 31, 2016
Expression of Connexin 43 in the Myocardium in Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome.
Gi Yeong Huh, Jae Woo Ahn, Eui Yong Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(2):33-38.   Published online May 31, 2016
Study of the Test for Postmortem C-Reactive Protein in Routine Autopsy Practice.
Yeon Ho Oh, Suk Hoon Ham, Jeong Woo Park, Hyung Seok Kim, Jong Tae Park, Joo Young Na
Korean J Leg Med. 2016;40(1):8-13.   Published online February 29, 2016
A Case Report of Suicide by Cutting the Tongue with a Pair of Scissors.
Young Min Jo, Sang Han Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(4):132-135.   Published online November 30, 2015
Effects of Eye Movements on Recognition in a Manipulated-Face Memory Task.
Keunsoo Ham, Chuyeon Pyo, Seong Ho Yoo, Jihye Kwon
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(4):120-126.   Published online November 30, 2015
Estimation of Eyewitness Identification Accuracy by Event-Related Potentials.
Keunsoo Ham, Chuyeon Pyo, Taeik Jang, Seong Ho Yoo
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(4):115-119.   Published online November 30, 2015


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