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The Statistical Analysis on the Postmortem Inspection Cases of National Forensic Service Seoul Institute in 2016.
You Jin Won, Jeong Woo Park, Seung Gyu Choi, Nahyun Aum, Dong Yeong Kim, Won Jun Seo, Seung Woo Choi, Min Je Lee, Mi Young Yu, Jong Pil Park, Minsung Choi, Seong Ho Kim, Soo Kyung Lee, Woong Jae Yun, Yu Hoon Kim, Yi Suk Kim, Seong Hwan Park, Jang Han Kim, Seong Ho Yoo, Soong Deok Lee, Jae Yong Gim, Kyung Moo Yang, Han Young Lee, Young Shik Choi
Korean J Leg Med. 2017;41(3):67-72. Published online August 31, 2017
The Statistical Analysis on the Postmortem Inspection Cases of National Forensic Service Seoul Institute in 2015.
Jeong Woo Park, Soo Kyung Lee, Woong Jae Yun, Jong Pil Park, Min Je Lee, Seung Woo Choi, Yu Hoon Kim, Seong Hwan Park, Jang Han Kim, Seong Ho Yoo, Soong Deok Lee, Jae Yong Gim, Kyung Moo Yang, Young Shik Choi, Han Young Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2017;41(1):1-6. Published online February 28, 2017